You envision the path, I’ll show you the way.
Imagine what it would be like to have an
Oracle in your back pocket?
Yes, that would be me!
Listen, this lifetime certainly hasn't been easy on most of us. The last few years have been particularly challenging and I believe it is because we are in the verge of a paradigm shift.
I think its pretty clear that things need to change for our children and their children. It starts with us, so we have been given a lot of opportunities to face things like difficult times, grief, divorce, parenting a new generation, illness, physical limitations, toxic relationships and all the other things we didn’t see coming so that we go deeper into understanding ourselves and learn how to regulate our emotions, hold energetic boundaries and break generational ties.
My clients always say that I normalize the woo and the taboo stuff for them so they are able to remove the shame and conditioning freeing them from their limitations.
No, it isn’t all fun, mystical and sexy all the time. We do deep work to move through the stories and narratives holding you back while tending to all of the parts of you that are hiding, and afraid to be liberated. I will push you to your edges, while holding you with love and compassion.
I would love to invite you on an incredible journey.
You get full access to me for 3 months to move through all of the things happening in your life and experience shifts in areas like: quelling anxiety, calling in love, healing relationships with family, starting a business, landing your dream job, buying your dream home, starting a family, making more money, feeling better, liberating yourself from old patterns and unlocking your intuitive gifts which are innate within us all.
Learn to remember who you are meant to be in this lifetime.
Connect to your original essence. The version of your soul before the world got a hold of you with all of it’s constructs, programming and belief systems!!
What’s Included:
During your journey, I create an energetic container to be tapped into your field (with your consent) for our time together. This means that I will get intuitive hits, dreams, guidance and messages for you randomly. Whenever I ping my private clients with “Hey, I just had this hit, this is what came through”, the response is always “That’s so weird! This thing just happened!!”…
3 x 60 minute 1:1 private calls per month, 9 calls in total (Value over $5000)
WhatsApp access M-F
Access to large group online programs and workshops that are offered during our time together *(value $2222+)
Guidance and Practices tailored to your needs
*excludes Masterminds
*Pay in full options include Venmo (find me @Kara-Potts) or PayPal ( if you prefer those methods.
*Have questions about what’s included and if this journey is right for you? Book a Discover Call Here.